Welcome to Core K9, where we are redefining the way you nourish your four-legged family members. We are a dedicated team of dog lovers on a mission to provide your furry companions with the highest quality, gently cooked dog food that promotes their overall health and well-being.

CORE K9 Mission:

At Core K9, our mission is simple yet profound: to improve the lives of dogs by offering a premium, gently cooked dog food that prioritizes their health, vitality, and happiness. We believe that dogs deserve nothing but the best, and that's what we strive to deliver.

CORE K9 Philosophy:

Our philosophy is grounded in the belief that nutrition is the cornerstone of a dog's health. We understand that each dog is unique, with their own dietary needs and preferences. That's why we craft our recipes with precision and care, using only the finest, locally-sourced ingredients. Our gently cooked dog food ensures that your canine companion receives the essential nutrients they need without compromising on taste.

What Sets CORE K9 Apart:

  • Gentle Cooking Process: Unlike traditional kibble and overly processed dog food, we use a gentle cooking process that preserves the natural flavors and nutritional value of our ingredients. This results in a meal that is both delicious and wholesome.
  • High-Quality Ingredients: We are committed to sourcing the highest quality ingredients, carefully selected to provide a balanced diet for your dog. Our recipes are free from fillers, artificial additives, and low-quality byproducts.
  • Transparency: We believe in transparency and providing pet owners with all the information they need to make informed choices. You can trust us to disclose the origin and quality of every ingredient we use.

CORE K9’s Promise:

When you choose Core K9, you're choosing more than just dog food – you're choosing a healthier, happier life for your dog. We stand behind the quality and safety of our products, and we're committed to enriching the bond you share with your furry friend.

Thank you for considering Core K9 as your trusted partner in providing the best nutrition for your beloved canine companion. Join us on this journey to ensure that your dog lives their life to the fullest, with vitality at their core.